And one time, at summer camp …

Summer camps are almost a rite of passage in the US, and the trend is spreading worldwide. But did you know you could go on a summer science-themed camp? Yep, STEM camps exist all over the world. Here are five compelling reasons why you should go on one.


    1. Experience science beyond the classroom: learn new skills and topics without the constrictions of the school curriculum. You can follow your own interests, be it video game design, snorkelling for marine biology, carrying out your own research project in a real lab or building a computer. Camp gives you the time and space to explore these interests and become immersed in them. At camp, you can take more risks with your skills. There’s no pass or fail so you can just go for it!
    1. Gain life skills: going on camp has been found to have a multitude of benefits, including increasing independence, resilience, perseverance, self-confidence and self-esteem, for starters.
    1. Build friendships and learn new social skills: camp gives you the opportunity to make new like-minded friends and re-invent yourself. It’s easy to get ‘labelled’ at school: camp is a chance to break away from these labels and be who you truly want to be!
    1. Work in a team: activities at a summer camp will involve working in teams, improving your teamwork and leadership skills – both of which are vital skills for your future and look great on a CV!
    1. It’s fun: most importantly, summer camp is REALLY enjoyable and fun! As well as educational activities, there are often excursions, tournaments, games, and the chance to hang out in the dorms with your new friends!

All things considered, going on camp can certainly help you to hone the skills that you’ll need to become the person you want to be!

Now, we’ve convinced you to go on camp, here are some suggestions of camps to try out:

ID Tech : Type in your location (anywhere in the world) and summer camps near you will pop up.

UK summer schools: This awesome list of UK-based summer schools and courses includes space school and snorkelling for marine biology.

Fire Tech Camp: These camps offer UK-wide residential and day courses on coding, robotics, games and more, including #AllGirls courses.

International Science Engagement Challenge: For people aged 16+, this challenge gets you working on your very own research project!

Education Unlimited: These USA-based science camps cover a huge variety of topics, including several science camps for girls-only

MIT office of engineering outreach programmes: These Boston-area science programmes are for middle schoolers, and many are free or inexpensive

Science internships: A long list of choices here for pre-college students based in the US.

Are you going on a STEM summer camp? Tell us all about it. And if you would like to recommend a particular summer camp to our readers, add it to the comments box below.