“We need people who think outside the box and who aren’t like everyone else,” says Greta Thunberg, but do businesses agree?

Greta Thunberg has famously asserted that her autism has spurred on her climate activism; that her Asperger’s has given her the single-minded determination needed to take on the world’s leaders. Thunberg’s individuality is her strength and it seems that the world of work is now starting to place real value on such individualism and the diversity it brings.

Recent research carried out by London-based recruitment agency, We are Aspire, points to a growing appreciation of diversity in the Marketing, Media, Digital and Sales workplace. If these are industries you aspire to forge a career in, it should be inspiring to know that your chosen industry is placing greater value on the diversity of candidates and that business is benefitting because of it.

Aspire’s survey, which canvassed the opinions of both clients and candidates, showed that employers are harnessing the diverse abilities of the younger generations. According to the survey, recruiting candidates from a range of backgrounds, of varying gender and sexual orientations, with different lifestyles and different identities, of varying abilities and disabilities, is now seen as a real advantage for employers. Rather than simply ticking an obligatory ‘equal opportunities’ box, recruiting a wider range of employees creates an ethos of loyalty in the workplace and serves the employer as well as the employee.

The survey also points to the progressive mindset of younger generations having a positive impact on the world of work. Individuality is celebrated more than ever. A diverse range of people can approach their work from a diverse range of perspectives, which can mean increased profit for companies and a more rewarding professional life for employees.

So, what does this mean for you?

It’s time for you to start celebrating your individuality and thinking about what you will be offering your employers in the future. Look ahead to playing your part in workplace diversity and shaping the industry you’ll be entering.

As Greta said, ‘We need people who think outside the box and who aren’t like everyone else’. It sounds like employers are starting to agree with her.