What will you be doing this summer?

“According to estimates by UNESCO, COVID-19 has affected nearly 1.2 billion students and youth globally.” So says, Pravin Rao, Chief Operating Officer of Infosys, global digital services and consulting leaders. It’s a striking figure and one which has prompted Infosys to devise the ‘Summer of Ideas’, an 8-week learning programme that will be hosted on its digital learning platform, Wingspan.

The programme, cannily dubbed an ‘ideathon’, will be open to 2000 university students and will see participants developing their ideas based on 10 themes related to emerging technologies. Students will receive consultations with Infosys mentors and be given the opportunity to showcase their ideas to industry experts. The use of the Wingspan platform will also enable participants to network and collaborate with each other – this is a global learning project, enabling global connections.

So, how can you take part?

• You will need to be studying technology, business or the liberal arts and hold a valid University ID in order to be eligible.
• You can participate alone, but will be assigned a team based on the theme you work on.
• You can use any device to participate.

Rao states that the Wingspan learning platform, “will empower students with a great user experience, as well as skills that will be even more relevant in the post-COVID world.” The learning platform and the opportunity to make the most of your summer are there – this is certainly an idea worth investigating.

For the sign-up form and more information, visit: https://www.infosys.com/summerofideas.html

The link to the event platform is due to be published shortly, but the application form is live now – so, get yourself registered as soon as possible and see what ideas you can generate this summer. Good luck!