Register now for GirlCon’s fourth annual conference!

Calling all female and non-binary students around the world – registration for GirlCon 2021 is now OPEN! Join us for a week of inspiration, networking and learning at the fourth annual GirlCon Conference, taking place ONLINE June 27-30th with sessions from 3-7 CT daily. Registrants can choose which breakout and professional development sessions they would like to attend live.

GirlCon will give you the chance to connect with powerhouse professionals from leading tech companies like Google and IBM, explore how your passions combine with technology in breakouts including Tech + Law, Tech + Artificial Intelligence, and Tech + Animation, and receive personalised feedback through one-one-one mock interviews and resume reviews. Additionally, hear from inspiring keynotes like Madhulika Guhathakurta, a NASA HQ lead program scientist, and Hope Goins of the US House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security!

Visit for a full list of session names and bios, as well as the link to register. You can also register directly at Registration closes June 25 at 11:59 pm CT, but popular sessions may fill up before then, so sign up as soon as possible. With any questions, contact [email protected].

We can’t wait to see you all at GirlCon 2021!