Using psychology to increase online security
Many of us put a lot of our personal lives online, but this can come at risk to our online security. Dr Jason Hong and Dr Laura Dabbish, of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, have discovered that social psychology – our interactions and feelings of connection with the people around us – can help persuade people to be more secure online
CYBERSECURITY – protection against criminal or malicious use of electronic data
PHISHING – a form of cyber scamming using a fraudulent message to trick someone into revealing personal information
SOCIAL NORMS – ‘typical’ behaviours of a particular social group, which can be used as reference points for members of the group to guide their individual behaviour
SOCIAL PROOF – a psychological phenomenon where people tend to copy the actions of others because of a desire to fit in with the group or because they assume others know something they do not
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY – the branch of psychology that covers the origins and influences of social interactions
Cybersecurity has come a long way in recent decades, but threats to our digital resources – such as viruses, scams and identity frauds – have also developed rapidly. Though there are lots of steps that can be taken to increase cybersecurity, many people choose not to take them. Understanding why this is, and how to change this behaviour, is essential for helping people avoid online dangers.
Dr Jason Hong and Dr Laura Dabbish are both experts in cybersecurity at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Rather than focusing on just providing ways to increase cybersecurity, they aim to find lessons from how people interact with the digital world and with each other. “Our research into the human factors of cybersecurity focuses on people as social actors whose security behaviours are influenced by their relationships, communities and life situations,” says Jason.
For many years, there has been a preconception among computer scientists that if security tools exist, people will use them. Jason recounts his ‘lightbulb moment’ when he realised the real picture is more complex. “I overheard a conversation where one person mentioned a mutual friend who had slipped on some ice and broken their laptop,” he says. “The other person said they were going to back up their own data immediately, and they did!” This was a clear example of where social influence led to a behaviour change in the digital space.
Laura explains more about why social psychology is so important. “Humans are social creatures,” she says. “We look for cues on how to behave from those around us, especially those we feel close to.” This applies to a huge amount of our behaviour: what we buy, how we vote and how we treat others, for example. How we manage our online security and privacy is no exception. “We look at others’ social media to see what’s appropriate to share, we discuss with our friends and family when we hear about data breaches to figure out how to respond,” says Laura. “We share anecdotes about our own online experiences and listen to those of others.”
The concept of ‘social proof’ is well-documented in social psychology. “If you’ve ever alighted from a bus or train and don’t know which way to go, following everyone else is generally a pretty good strategy,” says Jason. The same concept applies in a less practical but equally important sense, through our desire to fit in through following social norms. “Social norms are mutually understood acceptable behaviours within a social group,” says Laura. “They may not ever be discussed, but still drive our behaviour. For instance, cutting a queue would be a clear violation of a social norm.”
Social norms can be good and bad behaviours. For instance, if you see lots of people littering or buying the latest fast fashion, you might be inclined to replicate that behaviour. “In terms of cybersecurity, if everyone in a social group is sharing lots of personal information online, there is social pressure to do the same,” says Laura. “This can put people at risk of issues like identity theft or sharing photos or posts they later regret.” People who take extra security precautions may violate this social norm and be labelled as paranoid or overly cautious. Jason and Laura are interested in leveraging social proof to make security precautions more accepted and adopted.
Jason and Laura and their PhD student Sauvik Das worked with Facebook, the social media company, to investigate ways to help its users be more secure online, beginning with a large study with 50,000 people. “Facebook was about to run an awareness campaign by posting messages on people’s feeds saying, ‘Facebook offers extra security settings to help you protect yourself’ or similar,” says Jason. “We modified the messages to say things like, ‘108 of your friends use extra security settings’.”
The Facebook study showed the importance of adapting messaging to use social proof as an effective persuasion tactic. “We found that simply showing people how many of their friends used security features drove 37% more viewers to explore the promoted security features compared to simply raising awareness through a non-social announcement,” says Laura. Their research showed a clear role for social aspects within awareness campaigns, though some knowledge gaps remain to be investigated.
Laura and Jason have run surveys and interviews to investigate people’s attitudes to security and how they manage security and privacy in different relationships. “We found that a majority of changes to people’s approaches to cybersecurity were triggered by social interactions,” says Jason. “This included being warned about insecure behaviour by a friend or family, being shown an interesting new security technique by a colleague or friend, or hearing about someone’s negative
experience, such as being hacked.” The team followed up with a larger survey that found social triggers were the most common prompts for recent adoption of new security behaviours.
*Das, S., Kramer, A. D., Dabbish, L. A., & Hong, J. I. (2014). Increasing security sensitivity with social proof: A large-scale experimental confirmation. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security (pp. 739-749). **Chen, T., Stewart, M., Bai, Z., Chen, E., Dabbish, L., & Hammer, J. (2020). Hacked Time: Design and Evaluation of a Self-Efficacy Based Cybersecurity Game. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 1737-1749).
CYBERSECURITY – protection against criminal or malicious use of electronic data
PHISHING – a form of cyber scamming using a fraudulent message to trick someone into revealing personal information
SOCIAL NORMS – ‘typical’ behaviours of a particular social group, which can be used as reference points for members of the group to guide their individual behaviour
SOCIAL PROOF – a psychological phenomenon where people tend to copy the actions of others because of a desire to fit in with the group or because they assume others know something they do not
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY – the branch of psychology that covers the origins and influences of social interactions
The melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and subsequent changes to sea levels could have profound impacts on communities all round the world. A billion people live on land less than 10 metres above current high tides and are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise. Loss of land, increased flood risk and disruption to key infrastructure, like power stations, are particular dangers people may face.
Scientists’ current projections of how sea levels will change in 2100 and beyond vary significantly. Sea levels could fall slightly due to ice sheet growth from increased snowfall as the Antarctic warms. They could also rise up to 1.4 metres as the ice sheet melts. To improve current projections of sea level rise, Dr Ed Gasson at the University of Exeter and Professor Carrie Lear of Cardiff University are simulating glacial and interglacial conditions in the Earth’s past. Modelling changes to the Antarctic Ice Sheet in these times, they hope to understand the extent of sea level change in the future.
Precise predictions of future climates are hard to achieve as changes to the climate will depend largely on whether we take firm action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions now. However, Earth scientists can look into the geological past to find out what past climates were like, and how the ice sheets changed during these periods. The Earth’s climate has varied from Ice Ages with mile-thick ice covering much of the land in the northern hemisphere to periods warmer than today. The last time the atmospheric CO2 conditions were as high as today was around 3 million years ago in the mid-Pliocene.
To reconstruct past climates, scientists can measure atmospheric CO2 from gas bubbles trapped in ice cores. These only provide measurements for the past 800,000 years; to go further into the geological past, a range of indirect techniques, called proxies, are used. If these match the changes measured in the ice cores, scientists can be confident that the proxies are reproducing atmospheric CO2 levels further back in time.
The warming during the mid-Pliocene was a long-term ‘equilibrium’ response, rather than the current sharp increase in CO2. “The rate of CO2 increase is much faster now than in the past, and we will even exceed the CO2 concentrations in the mid-Pliocene by 2025,” says Ed.
Ed and Carrie can calculate ice sheet volume by analysing trace metals and the isotopic composition of microfossils within sediments. This tells them how warm the oceans were in the past and how much CO2 was dissolved in them. They also use oxygen isotope ratios of fossil plankton which tells them how salty the oceans were. “As the ice sheets grew, more freshwater was stored on land, making the oceans slightly saltier. As the ice sheets melted, that freshwater was put back into the oceans, making them slightly fresher,” explains Carrie.
“Although our geochemical records cannot tell us where the ice sheets were, we can work out how large they were, and how quickly they grew and melted,” explains Carrie. The team simulates how big the ice sheet got during the cooler ‘glacial’ stages of the mid-Pliocene, and how small it got during the warmer ‘interglacial’ stages. “To do this, we have to take into account all of the differences that drove the transition from a cool to a warmer climate,” says Ed.
“We’ve been trying for a long time to simulate Antarctic Ice Sheet melt during past warm intervals, and we’ve often failed,” says Ed. The problem is that ice sheet changes inferred from paleoclimate data are larger than Ed and Carrie can simulate using their models. “Due to the uncertainty of proxy data, it can be difficult to determine whether a model is successful at simulating the past or not,” explains Ed. This could result in a underprediction of sea level changes, making predictions for the future misleading.
“If we reduce the paleoclimate data ranges, we can make a more stringent test for the models. Our future sea level predictions can then be made with more confidence,” explains Ed. Currently, team member Amy Thomas-Sparkes has prepared hundreds of fossils for analysis and knows the exact ages of these fossils. “This will be really important as it will help us work out how fast the Antarctic Ice Sheet grew and decayed in the past,” says Carrie.
The new sea level records from these fossils will help Ed and Carrie test and calibrate their own ice sheet models. Currently, these models predict faster rates of sea level rise in the future, but there are still modelling issues that need to be addressed. Models must pass the test of matching previous Pliocene sea level estimates. “Because the range of Pliocene sea level estimates are so large, many different models pass this test,” explains Ed. This causes a big range in future sea level projections. “We’re hoping to narrow the number of models that pass the test, then we can also narrow the range in our future projections,” he explains.
The team can do this by adding more and more components of the Earth system to their models, enabling Ed and Carrie to understand how these components interact. “However, this adds to the complexity and makes our models slower to run,” says Ed. “It’s a fine line between making the models complex, while keeping them usable.”
This work focuses on indirectly measuring the retreat of ice sheets and does not indicate which parts of the ice sheet are melting. For this, direct geological records need to be accessed by drilling sediment cores around Antarctica. “We’re involved with an upcoming Antarctic drilling campaign that can hopefully resolve some really big outstanding questions in Antarctic science,” says Ed.
Learning from their insights, Laura and Jason, along with PhD student Tianying Chen, led the development of a game called ‘Hacked Time’, which involves the player going back in time to help a friend correct insecure behaviour and avoid getting hacked. “We found this game was effective at increasing self-efficacy for security techniques and for increasing cybersecurity awareness,” says Laura. “We are interested in learning more about how incorporating social influences into game design can motivate safer cybersecurity behaviour.”
Jason and Laura plan on taking their research further, to use social psychology in more sophisticated ways to persuade people to be more secure online. “Google gave a presentation a few years ago that showed that less than 10% of people use two-factor authentication, a powerful security technique,” says Jason. “As risks to people’s security grow and evolve, we want to find out how to persuade people to better protect themselves.”
Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Taking lessons from social psychology to encourage people to exhibit safer and more secure behaviour in digital spaces
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 1704087 and 1347186. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Taking lessons from social psychology to encourage people to exhibit safer and more secure behaviour in digital spaces
National Science Foundation (NSF)
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 1704087 and 1347186. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
“In many areas of science, there is often a large gap between one’s research and seeing a positive impact on people,” says Jason. “Computer science is different, partly because we set our own rules rather than using the rules of nature, and partly because it’s a younger field. It’s often surprising how much influence a small team of researchers can have on industry and public policy.”
“I love the interdisciplinary nature of the work,” says Laura. “Our department combines insights from computer scientists, psychologists and designers, and this helps us take a much broader approach to the role of technology in people’s lives. The collaboration this involves is extremely rewarding and I enjoy learning from my colleagues, while contributing my own perspective.”
“We have assembled teams of developers, artists, designers and social scientists, which come together with a common purpose to move a research prototype towards eventually reaching the public,” says Laura. “For instance, for developing ‘Hacked Time’ we drew on the expertise of a game design faculty, who pulled together software developers, artists and narrative designers.”
“The biggest problem faced by cybersecurity is that old problems aren’t going away, while new problems are always developing,” says Jason. “Weak passwords were a problem forty years ago and are still a problem today, for instance. Now, we have new challenges, such as security for the emerging Internet of Things – where billions of small computers sense and control parts of the physical world, including everything from traffic lights to central heating. Another example is cryptocurrency, which has some positive uses, but also has major problems in terms of theft and use of ransomware.”
“It’s useful to have a solid technical base,” says Jason. “This doesn’t just apply for programmers, but for anyone interacting with cyber systems. At the moment, there are many people working on the legalities or policy surrounding cybersecurity that barely understand how computers work. It’s important to understand the terminology and how these systems work, the trade-offs involved, and what is possible or not. I would also encourage insight into what it means to be human, which is best achieved through an interest in the humanities and arts. Cybersecurity is, ultimately, a human problem, given it involves understanding why people may or may not adopt security measures.”
“A common misconception people have about cybersecurity is that it’s all technical work focused on the computer,” says Jason. “In reality, it’s far more varied. There are lawyers working on issues of compliance, policymakers working on nationwide goals for cybersecurity, economists investigating trade-offs of different policies, and psychologists working on how to motivate people to be more secure.”
• Jason and Laura’s university runs a summer research experience for US undergraduates, where students contribute to cutting-edge research into human-computer interactions.
• Cybersecurity careers are growing in the UK, too. Prospects explains more about how to get into the field, emphasising the importance of both technical and nontechnical expertise.
• As Jason and Laura emphasise, cybersecurity involves people from a diverse array of educational backgrounds. Degrees in subjects like computer science may provide the most direct pathway, but degrees in other subjects such as psychology or law could also lead to a career in cybersecurity.
• Jason recommends technical subjects to ensure a sound understanding of computer science. This includes subjects like computer science, mathematics and physics. He also emphasises the importance of understanding human interactions with technology – this could be achieved through subjects such as psychology, history or art.
As a youngster, I was very lucky to have parents who let me do pretty much whatever I wanted! I was very into comic books, science and building LEGO models. I have a rather active imagination as a result.
I fell into research by accident. In my second year at college, a professor asked me if I wanted to help out with some research that summer, and, since I didn’t have any other plans, I signed up. It was a really fun experience, imagining and building new things that had never been done before. I was very lucky to be admitted to the computer science PhD programme at University of California at Berkeley, where I loved thinking about big ideas and their potential. I felt that research was a way I could use my skills to make a positive difference for humanity.
I am able to connect ideas from different fields in new ways to solve problems. I’ve drawn on ideas from machine learning, social psychology, gaming, visual design and more. I’m also good at recovering from setbacks – though I’ve had many successes in my life, I’ve had far more failures. The important thing is to figure out how to improve and keep pushing forward.
I have two young children who help me switch off from my work. We’ve been building a lot of LEGO and even practising piano together. During the pandemic, I started playing video games with them too, which I think are great, but only in moderation.
I helped found Wombat Security Technologies, which used our research to protect people from phishing scams. When it was sold in 2018, we used some of the proceeds to found a scholarship and two junior faculty chairs. I’ve always felt it is important to give the people who come after you better opportunities than you had.
I was introduced to computers at a young age through computer games. My father was an electrical engineer and sparked my interest in computation and technology. My mother taught me to appreciate the humanities through art and music.
I attended a state-funded specialist maths and science high school, which gave me my first opportunity to participate in research. For one day a week, I got to work with researchers to find new ways to evaluate certain chemical properties of cosmetic products without having to test them on animals or people. I learned that research was something I enjoyed and that it could involve not just studying something, but also innovating and creating new tools and techniques.
I’m curious about the world, about human nature and how things work. This curiosity helps drive me to better understand the human experience with technology. Empathy is also useful – my work involves bridging disciplines, so it’s important to understand the varying perspectives on the same problem.
I find daily walks restorative and a way to decompress from work. Research shows that being in nature, even for short periods of time, improves well-being. I also enjoy running in all seasons.
Mentoring is one of the most enjoyable aspects of my work, and I’m always proud to see my students go off to productive and fulfilling careers. I’ve mentored undergraduate students in research projects, and they’ve later gone on to do PhDs, move into industry, or start their own companies.
Experiment with possible careers through personal projects and self-directed learning. There are so many great online resources available, and don’t be afraid to reach out to experts or people you admire in the field. Seek out opportunities for early research experiences if that interests you.
Do you have a question for Jason or Laura?
Write it in the comments box below and Jason or Laura will get back to you. (Remember, researchers are very busy people, so you may have to wait a few days.)
Greetings. I would like to introduce myself Dr. Divya Sundaram, Assistant professor, Department of my Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) and my colleague Dr. Gokulapriya R, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CHRIST (Deemed to be University).
We as researchers are highly interested in researching the areas of cyber security and psychology, and we have a rough idea of exploring the incidence of cyber bullying and cyber victimization amongst today’s youth and devising further plans of prevention/ intervention.
We came across your page on Cyberpsychology and we are interested in collaborating with you on conducting this research. Since you are already working in the area, we feel your expertise and guidance will add value to our pursuit. If you or anyone of your team members are interested, we shall meet through an online meet to discuss our idea and take it forward.
Looking forward to a favourable response.
Thanks for your comment! I’m one of the authors (Jason Hong). I’m in the early stages of doing another startup, and I’m scaling back all academic research for the foreseeable future.
In terms of cyber bullying and victimization, it’s probably a good idea to start with specific cases and seeing how they can be generalized, since there are so many different ways of being online and so many ways of bullying or scamming people.
I’m also not highly familiar with the existing literature on cyber bullying, I know that Henry Lieberman at MIT has done some work in this space. Karla Badillo-Urquiola at Notre Dame has also done some more recent work on keeping kids safe online.
Good luck!