Careers & Education Blog

Can you name seven wonders in engineering?

Can you name seven wonders in engineering?

Whether you realise it, or not, engineers have changed the world we live in. This is engineering, led by the Royal Academy of Engineering, is running a campaign […]

Read today, for a powerful tomorrow

Read today, for a powerful tomorrow

Last week, people worldwide – including you, perhaps – celebrated World Book Day, an annual event set up by the UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural […]

How smart are smartphones at school?

How smart are smartphones at school?

Teachers are divided as to whether mobile phones are a help or a hinderance in the classroom. With the majority of schools having a mobile phone ban, we […]

Will this be in the exam, Miss?

Will this be in the exam, Miss?

The most important question in many students’ minds, whether at school, college or university: will this be in the exam? We have all had the […]

Happy Birthday to … the Periodic Table!

Happy Birthday to … the Periodic Table!

The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is celebrating the periodic table’s 150th birthday this year, and they’re not just […]